
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Superior SEO by Design

There's a lot of talk about "Superior SEO" again at the moment, it's one of those phrases that sounds so good that everybody wants to rank for it, but not everybody can.

There's several strong sites built around the term and more seem to come live almost every day these days, but designing a truly superior SEO website that will outperform the strong sites already in the SERP is not so easy now..

But it's not stopping new posts & sites springing up daily though, even our Maltese friends are having a go here Superior SEO Malta but it's going to take a little more than that to make much impression here lads ;)

Anyway we thought we might give our crew a little shout with this post, we're fairly sure that once the boys get seriously superior on the competition's asses lots of people are confusing their "feriors"
Most Ferior's 'Su' s ..are actually 'In' s :)